The register which has been updated for 2020 has had 181 properties removed for positive reasons and 216 sites added.
With more than £8.96 million in grants supplied by Historic England, we can see the positive impact that this has had with 181 entries coming off the list.
The 2020 reveals that there are (in England alone)
- 1,475 Buildings or Structures (Grade I and II* listed buildings and structural scheduled monuments across England, plus Grade II listed buildings in London)
- 932 places of worship
- 2,090 archaeology entries (non-structural scheduled monuments),
- 103 parks and gardens
- 3 battlefields
- 3 protected wreck sites
- and 491 conservation areas
There are now 5,097 entries on the 2020 Heritage at Risk Register, which is a total increase of 24 vs 2019.